Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Law and Leadership in Nursing Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Law and Leadership in Nursing. Answer: Introduction In the field ofnursing and care to a patient, several factors affect the decision and judgement of various clinical cases. Such decisions and judgements are very important as they determine the next course of action. The fact that a human life depends on the very decision, calls for great precision and most sound judgement to make the right moves. Professional nurses are trained on how to go about this including various leadership theories that have been established. Even with this, however, nurses are sometimes faced with cases that are new in both magnitude and direction, and their decision needed. In such cases, nurses must be careful and sometimes fast. The factors affecting decision made by Kevin and Daisy, advise to their case and justification for the advice in accordance with the leadership theories are discussed next. Factors Affecting The Decision Made By Kevin And Daisy There are several factors that affect the decision made by Kevin and Daisy. These include: Familiarity This implies how conversant the two are with the work environment. The duo are students and have not been in this environment before and as such its overwhelming for them. They have only learnt in class but have not had an opportunity to practise what theyve learnt. Familiarity may also to imply the case in question. Its true to say that they have not dealt with such a case as Mr. Smiths. this affects their decision making. Uniqueness The uniqueness of the case also affects the decision made by Kevin and Daisy. Every patient presents with their own unique set of signs and symptoms. No two patients are likely to present with exactly similar signs and symptoms. This ultimately influences their decision as they must judge each clinical case as presented. This seems a hard task especially to these novice nurses. It can be concluded that since each case is unique, the decisions made will vary depending on the different situations and cases. Certainty This implies to the extent of the knowledge that Daisy and Kevin have in relation to various clinical cases. Presence of guidelines may influence the amount of information that these two have. If they are well certain about the diagnosis that can be arrived at using such a set of symptoms, then their decision-making process easier and simplified. On the other hand, if they are not certain about such signs and symptoms, then they are likely to have a hard time arriving at the decision. Either way, the information owned by the duo and their certainty influences the decision that they make. Urgency The urgency with which diagnosis and management of the patient is needed also influences the decision made by the nurse. In this case, Kevin and Daisy are the nurses and Mr Smith is the patient. The patient is sitting, and despite saying that he is feeling unwell, the two students, it seems, judges the case as not urgent. The time available may be limited and in such cases, quick decision making and interventions are necessary and vital. In other cases, investigation requires more time and the decision is consequently delayed. The duo, Kevin and Daisy, have also in mind the advice of Mr. Henry that its good to take their tea on time. This inevitably affects the decision they make since they tell the patient that they will take a tea break and be back after 20 minutes. Advise To Kevin And Daisy First, they need to understand that they will meet different cases and that each decision thy make will depend on several factors as discussed above. They will require to have a great wealth of information as pertains to clinical cases. This will assist them exude the necessary confidence during their work. This is important also in reassuring the patient of their wellbeing. Kevin and Daisy also need to understand that their own initiative will be needed in several cases. For instance, though their head would prefer them to have their tea on time, they should be able to judge the best time to do that sometimes depending on the situation and the working environment. Kevin and Daisy should also maintain high professional standards and show understanding of emotional intelligence, moral courage and professional indemnity. These are the guiding blocks that teach them to do what is in their hands and to ask for help in cases where they have challenges. Upholding high levels of honesty and hard work in their practice is also necessary in ensuring that they can effectively perform their obligation. Justification For The Advice About Various Leadership Theories Giltinane, (2013) leadership theories form a framework of decision making. The theories give informed choices about the various ways people should respond to critical and complex situations. Different theories give different perspectives of what people should do when making complex decisions or assuming leadership roles. The great man theory emphasizes the statement that the history of the world is made by the biography of great men. This emphasizes that, people who make good choices in life always form the pattern of how things ought to be carried out. In relation to the case of Daisy and Kevin, they should seek advice from colleagues who are experienced in the work and outstanding personnel in the field to be more productive in the unit. Trait leadership theory according to Carayon, (2016) observes that peoples outstanding personal characteristics may foster a leadership that is directed on the right direction. Leaders should therefore try to put emphasis on developing important traits that help them to lead positively. Borrowing of important traits from others also directs leaders to make informed decisions. This brings about the focus on integrity and honesty in the operations that Daisy and Kevin need to undertake. Situational leadership puts emphasis on the fact that leadership varies from the situation at hand to the level of readiness or the competence of leaders in the task. This really explains why the two should observe professional indemnity despite the shortage of workforce in the unit, the two should only engage in fields they are competent in. Strategies That Daisy And Kevin Can Use To Help Them Improve Their Abilities To Perform Effectively As A Leader During Placement And Their Careers Have a multi-dimensional knowledge base This would go a long way in assisting them become better decision makers and consequently better leaders too. This is because, they would be able to put into consideration all the important factors before deciding or arriving at a judgement. Improving their cognitive capabilities This will assist the two develop vital skills such as recalling what they have learnt, there precision will be greatly improved, and their analysis and diagnosis of different cases and situations is likely to improve by a great deal. Improve their emotional capabilities This implies: Awareness of emotions and when they are impacting on decision making, particularly awareness of self-efficacy. Capability to deal with problematic emotions to make difficult decisions required for patient management. Motivation to learn and improve quality of decision making in the face of potentially conflicting emotions that impact on decision. References Carayon, P. (Ed.). (2016).Handbook of human factors and ergonomics in health care and patient safety. CRC Press. Giltinane, C. L. (2013). Leadership styles and theories. Nursing Standard, 27(41), 35-39 Kouzes, J., Posner, B. (2011). Leadership begins with an inner journey. Leader to Leader, 2011(60), 22-27.

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